When jobseekers are on the hunt, you’ve got your ducks in a row when determining what to ask your potential employer. What does the team look like? What do you see for the future of this role? Is there a career path? And while we try to understand the company culture during the hiring process, it can be hard to get the answers you need in the few questions you ask. There are a few ways to dig a little deeper for that holistic view of culture.
Don’t Limit Your Meet-and-Greets
You’ll talk to the recruiter, the hiring manager and possibly a panel of leaders. But, what about everyone else? With limited time and a race to hire, it can be difficult to talk to additional employees. If you’re able to visit their office, visit the common spaces and strike up a conversation. If this is a remote working environment, go to your LinkedIn account and see if you have any first or second connections. Reaching out to them can be a great way to understand what the atmosphere is like and even make a few friends at your new job.
Spend Solid Time with Your Boss
If you make it to an interview with the hiring manager, it’s common that the majority of time will be spent asking questions about YOU. In just a half hour – an hour if you’re lucky – it can be hard to get to know your potential boss while they determine if you’re a qualified candidate. Once you know what you’re looking for in a leader, mentor, or manager, you’ll need to evaluate them and whether or not they can help you develop your career. If you find yourself without those answers at the end of the process, ask for another block of time to get to know the person to whom you’ll answer.
Go Behind the Scenes
Most companies have social channels that can shed light into how their employees feel about the culture. Dig deep on your internet search and see what you can find on their available platforms as well as a basic news search. If it’s a solid company culture, it shouldn’t take you long to find employees acting as brand advocates for their employer. The events and activities are more often publicized, but you’ll discover a true gem if people are sharing their experience on a random Tuesday.
Evaluate and Listen to Your Gut
After your discovery process has concluded, think about the information you’ve obtained and the feeling you had during conversations. Can you see this being 30% of your day, five days a week? Trust your instincts and the past experiences that led you here, and you should feel more confident in determining if this is the right culture fit for you.